missing after "pkg upgrade" - firefox, python27...

Marcin Cieslak saper at
Sun Oct 14 22:31:39 UTC 2018


during preparations to upgrade 11.1-RELEASE p15 system I got firefox-esr
upgraded to 

Oct 14 22:18:30 radziecki pkg: pkg upgraded: 1.10.5_1 -> 1.10.5_3 

Oct 14 22:44:51 radziecki pkg: firefox-esr upgraded: 52.8.0,1 -> 60.2.2_1,1 

Oct 14 22:54:37 radziecki pkg: python27 upgraded: 2.7.14_1 -> 2.7.15 

However, both python2 and firefox fail due to a missing "",
which as I understand got introduced in 12.0.

Why this happens? What am I doing wrong?

Marcin Cieślak

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