Commit required

Dmytro Bilokha dmytro at
Tue Nov 27 19:32:50 UTC 2018

On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 08:19:27PM +0100, Kurt Jaeger wrote:
>> Would some kind committer, please, take a look on my patch
>> and commit the www/payara port update?
>> Here is the url:
>Will be committed shortly.

Thank you!

>I had a look at
>and found that this update fixes two security vulnerabilities.
>It would be helpful if we had a VuXML entry for those.
>Can you look into this URL
>and maybe provide a VuXML-entry by submitting a patch to security/vuxml to
>the PR 233573 ?

I'll read the handbook link and provide a patch to security/vuxml in few days.

Dmytro Bilokha
dmytro at

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