Poudriere building far more ports than it should

Dmytro Bilokha dmytro at posteo.net
Wed Nov 14 17:55:52 UTC 2018

On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 03:33:38AM +0200, reko.turja--- via freebsd-ports wrote:
>Hello list!
>I finally took the hurdle and made a poudriere VM for building my ports
>instead of building them on target system. At first I did however build
>every single port I will need on the VM resulting on 240 or so ports.
>Then I copied over my options, and the list of installed ports  etc. and
>started the build. For some reason poudriere wants to build a ton of extra
>baggage (360+ ports instead of 240.)
>Is this expected and will the packages once built be without any extra

Hello, Reko!

Poudriere builds different kinds of ports:

1. Ports from your list.
That is what you really want to be use.

2. Run-time dependencies of ports from your list. 
To work properly, some of your ports require another ports. As an example,
the CURL web utility requires libssh2 library, etc.

3. Build-time dependecies of ports from your list.
Example: if your port is C++ language program, for the port to be built it
requires C compiler.

4. Run-time and build-time dependencies of your ports dependencies, as well
as their dependencies... 
Run and build time dependencies of your ports (p.2 and p.3) are also ports
which can have their own dependencies. All of these also should be built.

That is why you see in the pourdiere to-do list more ports than you've
requested.  At the end, when all the package have been built you will
proceed with installation of your wanted packages (p.1) with them the
package manager will automatically install their run-time dependencies and
run-time dependecies of these dependencies and so on and so forth.

The build-time dependencies won't be installed, because they are not
required for your ports to be run.

Dmytro Bilokha
dmytro at posteo.net

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