Upgrade from PHP71 to PHP72 breaks icingaweb2

Guido Falsi mad at madpilot.net
Wed Nov 7 07:46:46 UTC 2018

On 07/11/18 07:24, Xavier wrote:
> On 03/11/2018 18:50, Guido Falsi wrote:
>> On 03/11/18 18:17, Xavier Humbert wrote:
>>> Context FreeBSD 11-STABLE, last pkg upgrade led to update PHP71 to PHP72.
>>> php72-json is installed, but when I launch a navigator, IcingaWeb2
>>> crashes with :
>>>> Call to undefined function Icinga\Util\json_encode() in
>>>> /usr/local/www/icingaweb2/library/Icinga/Util/Json.php:57
>>> Any idea ?
>> Yess, you need to install the php72-json package which provides the
>> json_encode() function.
>> The port actually depends on it, so something went wrong with your update.
>> You should try reinstalling it and check that all dependencies install
>> successfully.
> Thanks for your answer Guido. Unfortunately, as I wrote, php-json *is*
> installed, in the correct flavour. And pkg check -Bd succeeds

Is it being loaded?

Check for 'ext-20-json.ini' to be present in /usr/local/etc/php and have
correct content.

Guido Falsi <mad at madpilot.net>

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