Inkscape compiles but crashes on startup

bob prohaska fbsd at
Sat Nov 3 00:10:48 UTC 2018

On an RPI3 running 13.0-CURRENT r339983 inkscape compiled without obvious
errors but reports

(process:35330): Gtk-WARNING **: 17:00:23.081: Locale not supported by C library.
	Using the fallback 'C' locale.

Emergency save activated!
Emergency save completed. Inkscape will close now.
If you can reproduce this crash, please file a bug at
with a detailed description of the steps leading to the crash, so we can fix it.

(inkscape:35330): Gtk-WARNING **: 17:00:33.357: ChannelsAction: missing action ChannelsAction

[much snippage, ending with]

(inkscape:35330): Gtk-WARNING **: 17:00:33.510: ConnectorOverlapAction: missing action ConnectorOverlapAction
Abort (core dumped)

If anybody has a fix or workaround I'd be pleased to try it.

Thanks for reading,

bob prohaska

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