www/joomla3 port installs from GitHub, why?

Per olof Ljungmark peo at nethead.se
Tue May 22 10:30:51 UTC 2018

Quoting Larry Rosenman <ler at lerctr.org>:

> Because that is the way I inherited it.
> I may look into changing it, but if you generate a patch, I'll look at it.

I have checked over at joomla.org and my view is supported, read

"I had a read of the freebsd messages and you are correct it is  
completely wrong to use that archive in this use case. You are correct  
that the correct package is the release one"

I suspect that the way the port is set up now can lead to serious  
security issues for unknowing users. After looking around at Github I  
think it should not be too difficult to fetch
instead of

For the "devel" discussion that followed in this thread I leave that  
to the folks who know better but it is now quite clear that the port  
is not suited for its intended purpose in its current state.



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