www/joomla3 port installs from GitHub, why?

Per olof Ljungmark peo at nethead.se
Sun May 20 19:02:31 UTC 2018

Thank you for replying,

On 05/20/18 19:39, Larry Rosenman wrote:
> Because that is the way I inherited it.  
> I may look into changing it, but if you generate a patch, I'll look at it. 

Easiest way to understand what I mean is to compare the official download at
(42MB unzipped)

with the distfile from ports
joomla-joomla-cms-3.8.7_GH0.tar.gz (71MB unpacked)

I never worked with the ports system so patching it for me would be too
much. However, if you do not have the time I may know someone here that
could do it.

Again, I think the port in its current state is designed for people who
develop Joomla, not using it as a CMS like me.



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