Practice of "Sponsored by" in commit messages

Maxim Sobolev sobomax at
Fri May 18 04:41:12 UTC 2018

You guys are still trying to read and interpret labels on the t-shirts I
think. "Sponsored by: XYZ" in the commit message only means that some
undefined portion of the work has been in some form supported or encouraged
by XYZ. It does not mean or imply all work, it does not mean any particular
form of compensation or encouragement. In many cases it does not even
indicate any monetary exchange between committer doing work and XYZ. There
were no cases that I am aware of in the past 15 years when XYZ would have
any grudge against FreeBSD or a particular committer about the form of that
credit or lack of thereof . So the whole issue seems like perfect example
of trying to make improvement to a well working system just for the sake of
improvement. Never a good idea!


On Thu, May 17, 2018, 9:15 PM Kurt Jaeger <lists at> wrote:

> Hi!
> > The FreeBSD project could help by asking committers to qualify
> > "Sponsored by" lines to indicate which participant(s) is(are) sponsored,
> > in way that is equivalent to the way that the actual work itself is
> > customarily attributed.
> This sounds reasonable, so I suggest that you submit a
> patch to the ports handbook that describes it for maintainers
> and committers.
> --
> pi at            +49 171 3101372                    2 years to go !

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