Syslog Example For InfluxDB Port

Ben Woods woodsb02 at
Wed Mar 21 22:44:14 UTC 2018

On Thu, 22 Mar 2018 at 5:49 am, Pete Wright <pete at> wrote:

> Interestingly enough I'm unable to get log messages to end up in
> /var/log/influxdb/influxd.log.  When I manually run daemon, without any
> syslog flags passed, I do see plenty of logs ending up in stdout tho.
> I'm guessing I'm tired and missing something obvious - any other
> influxdb people have logging working as expected?

Sorry to ask a basic question, but have you made sure that the file
/var/log/influxd/influxdb.log exists, so that syslog can write to it?

Can you provide the entire contents your /etc/syslog.conf file, and the
relevant included files?


From: Benjamin Woods
woodsb02 at

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