Fwd: Updates available for sysutils/searchmonkey

Adam Cottrell searchmonkey at embeddediq.com
Wed Mar 14 15:33:33 UTC 2018

Dear Kurt,

Like I said, I am happy to help! :-)

Some points that might help:-

Previously, FreeBSD has already ported the (older) GTK+ versions (see
Is it possible that this port can be re-used in some way to get up and
running quicker?

I can supply you with a JAR file that includes all of the dependencies.
Using this JAR file on Ubuntu I can get jSearchmonkey running perfectly in
just a few (pseudo) lines. For example:-
 > apt-get install *<JAVA Runtime v1.8>*
 > wget *<JAR file with all dependencies>*
 > jar -jar *searchmonkey-with-dependencies.jar*

I know that you guys love to compile the source code but there might be
another way?

Alternatively, if you have a port of Maven then it should be a doddle to
compile the JAVA from source...


On 14 March 2018 at 15:23, Kurt Jaeger <lists at opsec.eu> wrote:

> Hi!
> > There are actually three active versions of searchmonkey:-
> >  1) gSearchmonkey is for Gnome (GTK+) - this is currently at version
> 0.8.4
> >  2) kSearchmonkey is for KDE (Qt) - this is still at version 2.0.0
> >  3) jSearchmonkey is a cross-platform JAVA app that is at version 3.2
> >
> > They are all released under GPLv3 and each has been assigned a developer
> > (currently the kSearchmonkey developer is on paternity leave).
> >
> > Is ports flexible enough to allow all three to be made available?
> There are plenty of Java or GTK ports in the tree, so, yes, that
> can be done. Please do not underestimate the work required to
> generate a GTK+ or Java port, if there is none already, it will be
> a bit of work.
> --
> pi at opsec.eu            +49 171 3101372                         2 years to
> go !

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