Deprecating Skype ports

Carmel NY carmel_ny at
Sat Mar 10 11:45:04 UTC 2018

On Sat, 10 Mar 2018 06:17:30 +0100, Johannes Jost Meixner stated:

>Hi Rene,
>What do you think about deprecating Skype ports?
>As far as I'm aware, Microsoft does not allow them to connect anymore,
>thus they have become useless to keep.

There are at least a couple of URLs dealing with this:

The problem is that FreeBSD is still attempting to use a very old versions of
Skype. Microsoft could never be held responsible for supporting older versions
indefinitely, especially when updating is so easy on most systems.

In truth, all of the "skype" ports should probably be removed since they don't
or won't work for much longer, and the latest version of skype imported to the
ports tree.


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