mousepad memory leak

Erich Dollansky freebsd.ed.lists at
Mon Jan 22 13:52:13 UTC 2018


On Sun, 21 Jan 2018 16:03:49 +0100
Guido Falsi <mad at> wrote:

> On 01/21/2018 01:44, Erich Dollansky wrote:
> Setting up  quick jail with some linux distribution is really a fast
> thing.

not really when you are a 'bit' remote. The knowledge about Linux is
very limited too. I do larger downloads only when I am back to

> I also noticed that when mousepad was working and allocating memory
> also the "dconf-service" process consuming a lot of CPU. I think it's
> the communication with this demon which actually has some problems.
Yes, it might be the combination of them causing the problem.

> Just to know why do you need so many windows, when tabs are available?

I open one drawing together with its textual description on one
desktop. It is just the workflow.

> Since it looks like a fundamental bug in mousepad cannot you use some
> other editor?

Irony is that I used mousepad the first time for this thinking that it
is small, the machine is limited, should still work.


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