'pkg upgrade -f spamassassin' stops but doesn't restart spamd

Miroslav Lachman 000.fbsd at quip.cz
Mon Jan 8 17:00:49 UTC 2018

Eugene Grosbein wrote on 01/08/2018 13:56:
> 08.01.2018 18:11, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
>>>> PRs are false alibi. Some of my PRs are open for more than 10 years.
>>> So were mine when I could not commit fixes myself. This is not excuse to be lazy and not make another one.
>>>> For all erroneous port there must be will on maintainer and committer side.
>>>> And if "they" think this is not a bug
>>> If we have written policy (and we have in this case), and upgrade really break things,
>>> sane committer will not think "this is not a bug".
>>> Again, do you have a PR with "how-to-repeat" scenario and a patch,
>>> so I could take it?
>> OK, let's move on. I can open PR if you are willing to help and commit some fixes. But can we first talk
> Relevant discussion should better take place in the PR itself so it's not lost
> and easier to point to when asking corresponding parties, f.e. portmgr@
> You may open PR without patch too, you know. But it needs clear description of the problem
> and "how-to-repeat".

I created PR 225005

Let me know if I should add some more informations.

Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman

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