FLAVOR for Qt4 and Qt5 (was Re: Flavor or not for this port?)

L.Bartoletti lbartoletti at tuxfamily.org
Thu Jan 4 17:44:58 UTC 2018

Hi Mathieu,

Thank you for your review and tips.

I have just submitted the patch.

Rainer, QGis 2 may be able to use Qwt6 instead of Qwt5?



On 21.12.2017 17:10, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> Le 19/12/2017 à 20:48, L.Bartoletti a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> Here's my WIP
>> https://gitlab.com/lbartoletti/freebsd_ports/tree/master/qwt6
> As long as you are defining a default FLAVOR value, do it right:
> There are a few stuffs that could be simplified, this works for both
> flavors:|
> |
> |PLIST=	${PKGDIR}/pkg-plist.${FLAVOR} PLIST_SUB+=
> ${PREFIX}/share/doc/qwt6-${FLAVOR} And this: ||@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/__QT_VERSION__/${FLAVOR:S/qt//}/g'
> ${WRKSRC}/qwtconfig.pri|
> ||
> You are missing:
> qt4_CONFLICTS_INSTALL= qwt6-qt5
> qt5_CONFLICTS_INSTALL= qwt6-qt4

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