undefined symbol "php7_module" in libphp7.so?

scratch65535 at att.net scratch65535 at att.net
Fri Feb 16 10:40:57 UTC 2018

[Default] On Thu, 15 Feb 2018 21:21:17 +0100, Walter
Schwarzenfeld <w.schwarzenfeld at utanet.at> wrote:

>what said
>grep php /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf

It said the usual:  

LoadModule php7_module        libexec/apache24/libphp7.so

There was definitely something wrong with that lib file.   I ran
nm -g on the copy of libphp7.so on my server-of-all-work, and was
surprised to see that it  found *no* symbols in it.  But that
installation (php 7.0 under 10.2) works, so apparently not
finding symbols is not an error.  

I then pulled a copy of the libphp7.so over from the soaw and got
a much-less-crazy-looking error when I tried to start apache:  it
can't find libelf.so.1.  So at least apache is not completely

Does anyone else have php 7.2  or 7.1 or even 7.0 running under

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