FreeBSD Palemoon branding violation

Dave Hayes dave at
Thu Feb 8 02:33:24 UTC 2018

On Wed, 7 Feb 2018 20:18:48 -0600
Jake Roberts <linuxjake01 at> wrote:
> Does Pale Moon do anything that something like Otter doesn't?

I have never used Pale Moon. I just saw a comment and am truly curious
as to where it's coming from. :)

Perhaps at this point, to balance the sentiment against pale
moon, someone knowledgeable about it should engage in some advocacy as
to why Pale Moon is something to use?  
Dave Hayes - Consultant - Altadena CA, USA - dave at 
>>>> *The opinions expressed above are entirely my own* <<<<

It is no accident that those cultures which most
strongly and often affirm the value and individuality
of people are the ones which do the most towards
automatizing people.

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