apache24 / php 7 / liblzma

Jim Pazarena fports at paz.bz
Thu Dec 27 00:46:28 UTC 2018

In a recent re-install of apache24 & php7 , upon execution , php7 naps:  
Cannot load libexec/apache24/libphp7.so into server: Shared object 
"liblzma.so.1" not found

I did not compile liblzma that as the port archivers/liblzma does not 
have a maintainer and is likely to fail or be dropped altogether .

But I DID need it so I re-compiled it as well .
What will become of the failing php7 load if liblzma is dropped ?
The dependencies within the ports is a continual source of frustration 
(for me) with FreeBSD .
The only one actually , but it becomes very time consuming tracking down 
compile issues related to version dependencies .

I compiled python36 , via lang/python . but something else I am 
compiling keeps dragging in python27 . Why can't it simply use python36 
? (Haven't determined what application is dragging it in as of yet) .

Jim Pazarena   fports at paz.bz

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