How much memory to compile www/chromium?

bob prohaska fbsd at
Tue Dec 18 17:49:27 UTC 2018

On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 05:59:21AM +0100, Jan Beich wrote:
> MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER_LIMIT is a user variable, so you can either set in
> make.conf or Makefile.local e.g.,
> $ cat <<\. >>${__MAKE_CONF:-/etc/make.conf}
> .if ${.CURDIR:M*/www/chromium}
> .endif

Setting MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER_LIMIT=2 allowed www/chromium to compile successfully over
several days. The -DBATCH option was used, in hopes it'd fetch the right options. 

Swap usage fluctuated  over the course of the build, from a minimum of
around 230MB to over one GB at several points. Past about 500MB the CPU
usage dropped, evidently from I/O limitations to the microSD based swap
partition, which was far too big at 4GB.

One curiousity was a gradual increase in minimum swap usage, from about 230
MB initially to about 280 MB a couple days later. This wasn't a highly 
systematic observation, just me looking at a top window from time to time.
When the build finished swap use dropped back to ~20MB, which is the normal
idle state. 

The resulting executable turned up in /usr/local/bin/chrome, which was
slightly surprising; the port's name is chromium, after all.... It seems
to run, but is too slow to play Youtube videos smoothly. For static pages
it seems fine.

The major problem is a complete lack of audio. I'm using an HDMI to DVI cable
and plugging the audio system into the Pi3's headphone jack. Is there some 
trick to getting the headphone jack to work?

Thanks for reading, and everyone's help getting chromium to work on the Pi3.

bob prohaska

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