Ports vs packages

Jos Chrispijn bsdports at cloudzeeland.nl
Sun Aug 26 11:01:28 UTC 2018

On 26-8-2018 2:07, Pete Wright wrote:
> one thing i do for my systems is if there is an update to a port i 
> need/want to test before the official build cluster is done is run a 
> "make package" in the port directory.  then i can install the updated 
> code as a pkg for future upgrade convenience.  this works great for 
> ports without many external dependencies at build-time, not so much 
> when things like llvm need to be build ;)

I did that once myself but ended in total chaos because I found out that 
using ports and packages next to each other is not a good marriage.
Port options that may have been enabled may be overuled by packages 
(which are always built using the default options). Not for a specific 
port but with regards to the depencies is will us (and which may already 
been installed as packages).

I am quite a nub on this, so perhaps the problems were otherwise. Since 
I completely switched to packages, these issues are gone.


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