Upgrade devel/libgit2-glib new version 0.27.0 not existing upstream

Matthias Fechner idefix at fechner.net
Mon Apr 23 07:38:19 UTC 2018

Am 23.04.2018 um 09:25 schrieb Romain Tartière:
> Hi
> On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 09:18:47AM +0200, Matthias Fechner wrote:
>> I just prepare the upgrade for gitlab to version 10.7.0 which required
>> libgit2 version 0.27.0.
>> I already upgrade devel/libgit2 including py-pygit2 to version 0.27.0
>> but for an unknown reason version 0.27.0 of libgit2-glib is not existing
>> upstream.
> No real info, but supposition:
>   - You are looking for *rugged* 0.27.0, which was recently released and
>     is ruby bindings for libgit2:
>     https://rubygems.org/gems/rugged
>   - The dependency exist on some feature not yet released in libgit2
>     upstream, so they used the version number of the future version of
>     libgit2 which would make this feature available.  In this case, you
>     may want to test with libgit's master branch…
sry, maybe I was not clear enough.
I upgraded libgit2 to 0.27.0 and py-pygit2 to 0.27.0 but I cannot
upgrade libgit2-glib to version 0.27.0 because it does not exist upstream.

I learned from the past that the following ports must be upgrade all at
- devel/rubygem-rugged (done)
- devel/libgit2 (done)
- devel/libgit2-glib (missing upstream)
- devel/py-pygit2 (done)



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