phpLDAPadmin -- is it time to drop this from ports?

Matthew Seaman matthew at
Thu Apr 5 13:30:10 UTC 2018

On 05/04/2018 13:35, Per olof Ljungmark wrote:
> Quoting Matthew Seaman <matthew at>:
>> Dear all,
>> I've maintained the net/phpldapadmin port for _many_ years. 
>> Unfortunately this project seems to have ceased development upstream. 
>> There hasn't been a new release for more than 5 years, nor any sign of 
>> life from the original developer over much the same timespan.  PLA 
>> still just about works, but it is lacking in support for more recent 
>> versions of PHP and generally sufferring from lack of love.
>> I'm beginning to think that it is about time to take this port around 
>> the back of the barn and administer the coup-de-grace.  There are 
>> other graphical front-ends to LDAP directories available, such as 
>> 'LDAP Account Manager' 
>> (in ports as sysutils/ldap-account-manager), so people won't be left 
>> entirely out to dry.
>> What do people think?  Is it time to deprecate and expire PLA, or is 
>> there a diehard core of users for whom PLA will need to be ripped from 
>> their cold, dead hands?
> One diehard here... hands still warm...
> Have tried ldap-account-manager but does not suit my need at all. Unless 
> anyone has a better suggestion for a lightweight web-based utility I 
> vote for it to stay.

I have a vague recollection of a web-based LDAP front end written in 
python, but I entirely failed to make any sort of proper note about what 
it was called...

> I did an install just a month ago on php71 so not sure about "lacking in 
> support for more recent
> versions of PHP", do you have any specifics?

Yes, sure.  PLA sufferred from the upstream deprecation of mcrypt within 
PHP.  We've added local patches to work around the problem -- these have 
been obtained "from the net", basically a corps of PLA users supporting 
it in an ad-hoc fashion between themselves.  As the dropping of mcrypt 
affected core functionality like *logging in*, you might think upstream 
would patch the core distribution and make a new release fairly rapidly, 
but there's absolutely no sign of that.

Personally I'm fairly happy to leave PLA to hum along to itself for the 
time being, but if future changes to PHP render it unusable, or if there 
are nasty security bugs discovered and no fixes available, I'm going to 
have to reconsider.



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