FreeBSD Port: py27-fail2ban-0.10.1

Alex V. Petrov alexvpetrov at
Tue Oct 17 16:35:41 UTC 2017

What should be in pf.conf?

17.10.2017 23:15, Janky Jay, III пишет:
> In the new 0.10 version, the action rule creates the tables for you
> based on the jail configuration. If you look at the jail files, you'll
> see that you now call pfctl using additional arguments such as ports
> that are affected and a suffix to add to the default "f2b-" table name.
> 	So, essentially, there is no reason to create tables in the
> pf.conf/pf.rules file anymore. They are automatically created when a
> fail2ban filter is triggered and the IP is then added to it.


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