pkg: sqlite error while executing sqlite open in file pkgdb.c:1126: unable to open database file

Jos Chrispijn bsdports at
Fri Oct 13 18:07:01 UTC 2017

Op 12-10-2017 om 20:19 schreef Vidar Karlsen:
> I usually get that exact error when I run pkg from a directory that no 
> longer exists. In my case, this typically happens because I’m sitting 
> in a port dir like /usr/ports/dns/unbound after having run 'portsnap 
> fetch update’ which has deleted that dir and created a new one because 
> of a version bump in the tree. 
Yes, I thought of that too; unfortunately I cannot reproduce manually. 
Sometime this occurs and sometimes it doesn't.

> Your case with portmaster might be a bit different, but it should normally not happen unless portmaster cd’s to a dir that then gets deleted. Did your ports tree change while portmaster was running?
Nope - i mostly logon the BSD and run that batch by hand, without doing 
anything else.
> If you can run pkg commands (like ‘pkg info’) normally otherwise, I’ll have to assume that your sqlite database is fine and that there is a temporary issue during the portmaster run that causes this error to be thrown.
Everything is fine - my portscollection is in sync and I get no errors 
on updating other than the one I initially wrote about.
Somehow I can't get it out of my head why I cannot put my finger behind 
this minor issue..


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