vim language bindings

Baho Utot baho-utot at
Fri Oct 13 16:49:32 UTC 2017

On 10/13/17 12:21, Adam Weinberger wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to get a feel for how many people utilize utilize vim's language bindings. Note that this does NOT include syntax highlighting, indenting, or anything related to editing language-specific files. This is calling external scripting languages and interactive debugging within vim.
> Right now, vim installs Lua, Perl, Python, Ruby, and TCL for everybody, and I'm not sure whether anybody actually intentionally uses Lua or TCL anymore. Python hooks are definitely staying, but if you use any other language bindings, please reply and tell me which ones.
> Thanks!
> # Adam

LUA,  I use it with rpm

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