Wacom tablet

Chris Sparkes chris at sparkessoftware.com
Wed Oct 11 10:44:53 UTC 2017


I have a Wacom Intuos 3 tablet I would like to get working on FreeBSD 
again (it used to work).

My system is FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE on amd64. I have webcamd and 
xf86-input-wacom installed.

There appears to be 2 problems:

1. Xorg is not being configured when the device is plugged in. 
(xsetwacom does not show any devices).

2. Every time I take the pen off the tablet, the device disconnects and 
reconnects (seen in dmesg).

I have tested the tablet on a Linux system and it works without issue, 
so I do not believe the device is faulty.

Xorg log shows 'config/devd: ignoring device uhid1'. dmesg shows the 
messages below. These messages repeat every time I lift the pen off the 

ugen0.5: <Tablet PTZ-631W> at usbus0 (disconnected)
ugen0.5: <Tablet PTZ-631W> at usbus0
uhid1 on uhub0
uhid1: <Tablet PTZ-631W, class 0/0, rev 1.10/1.09, addr 8> on usbus0
uhid1: at uhub0, port 13, addr 8 (disconnected)
uhid1: detached

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.



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