Mathieu Arnold mat at
Tue Nov 28 16:03:06 UTC 2017

Le 28/11/2017 à 09:36, Yuri a écrit :
> The port audio/ir-lv2 was committed with PORTVERSION=g20130909.
> make in another port with this instruction:
> > RUN_DEPENDS=ir-lv2>0:audio/ir-lv2
> doesn't check the version of ir properly, and always tries to rebuild it.
> Is PORTVERSION=gYYYYMMDD actually allowed?
> The handbook doesn't mention such format. Section Example 5.9 here
> offers PORTVERSION=20160710 as an example.
> If it's not allowed, why doesn't framework complain?
> Otherwise, the version check for such ports must be fixed. 

There is an example a bit further down on that page with the gYYYYMMDD.

The idea is that in each label (things between dots) in version numbers,
letters are before the numbers.

$ pkg version -t 1.0.a1 1.0

The idea behind using gYYYYMMDD for snapshot of software that never had
versions is so that if they ever get a version, gYYYYMMDD is still
before version 0, so using PORTEPOCH is not needed.

Mathieu Arnold

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