
Leif Asbrink leif at
Sun Nov 19 01:28:18 UTC 2017


As the author of Linrad I would appreciate feedback from
anyone who can suggest improvements. Presumably most - if not
all - changes that have been done for FreeBSD could be 
implemented in the Linrad package.

On this page:
I read things like this:
I checked linrad upstream, and they still haven't fixed these two bugs.  I am
surprised they haven't been reported yet.  Without these fixes, linrad cannot be
built with gcc5.

the menu.c patch simply reverses the order of the condition.  One must check the
bounds constraint first!  It's a pretty dumb mistake but I've seen this kind

The second one fails because -Werror is set.  This took me a while because I
couldn't figure out the relationship between ADCHANS and rxchan.  In any case,
setting 4 locations per channel did indeed allow the array to be big enough. 
(at first I thought the loop was running too high, but I finally determined the
array was too small).

These were found on DragonFly that uses gcc5.

This patch has not been tested on FreeBSD but I can't how it could possibly

It would be good if the ham@ maintainer reports the issue upstream.

Updated patch files using make makepatch

PR:			ports/199737
Submitted by:		marino
That was in May 2015 so I guess it is fixed by now, but 
I think feedback directly to me once the bug was detected 
would have eliminated problems for others. A copy from below:
> I would appreciate if the errors would be reported 
> to me. I suffer from the well known "Why mend something
> that is not broken" which means that I do not get
> feedback from users when I make mistakes because they
> typically do not upgrade to new versions. 
The typical Linrad user would perhaps upgrade once in 3
years (or less.) A few upgrade when I make a new release
and VERY few upgrade when I put new versions on the Linrad 
repo. Most errors go undetected for a long time...



Begin forwarded message:

Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2017 08:10:00 -0500
From: Dan Langille <dan at>
To: Leif Asbrink <leif at>
Subject: Re: Linrad

> On Nov 15, 2017, at 9:39 PM, Leif Asbrink <leif at> wrote:
> Hello Dan,
> Having some free time today I was using Google
> and came across this site:
> I would appreciate if the errors would be reported 
> to me. I suffer from the well known "Why mend something
> that is not broken" which means that I do not get
> feedback from users when I make mistakes because they
> typically do not upgrade to new versions. (And I
> do understand them.) If they are happy with what they
> have, why spend time on installing something new that
> is probably not better - but that could introduce a bug?
> I am not a programmer, my background is physics - and I 
> do know radio - but on programming I am a dielettante.
> It seems there have been trivial errors in the past
> and presumably some still remain. It would be nice if
> FreeBSD developers would suggest changes to me that 
> would make the standard Linrad package more like the
> FreeBSD port. Ideally identical.


Perhaps this is a better page for you to review:

I suggest you email ports at, or indeed, the specific committers.

I think you might be referring to the commit dated 01 May 2015 16:25:48 and if you like,
I can forward your email to db.

The FreshPorts website only reports upon what gets committed.  It has no control over
the work being done.  FreeBSD does encourage fixes to be pushed upstream first.

Best wishes

Dan Langille - BSDCan / PGCon
dan at

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