Firefox doesn't build...

Patrick Dorion dorionpatrick at
Sat Nov 11 16:59:02 UTC 2017

Well I'm not sure what's going on with RUST and LLVM, and the option wasn't on when I checked the config, but I'll try rebuild it, and let you know...

Also, someone asked for the install log... I guess there's no need for it since it's a known issue ( I lost it  ._. )...

I was also having problems compiling www/firefox-ecr except with the default build settings; again, I tried a bunch of combinations, including not building components written in RUST, and it failed every single time...  I'm very frustrated at this, but Chromium doesn't compile either, Opera doesn't work properly and is outdated, and I just plain want to use Firefox...  It's just the best and most sensible and versatile option...

I'm kinda pissed because I've been trying to build it for two whole days now (and I have insomnia because of a medication right now), and this right after I decide to wipe my system to rebuild the filesystem and datasets, and remove all binary packages I had mixed with ports (someone said on the forum it wasn't a good idea to mix-and-match, and I prefer ports, anyway... I think it's probably more performant this way, but I could be wrong).  I built Xorg and PulseAudio without major problems, but now I'm trying to build what are probably the most popular pieces of software on the planet - not just on FreeBSD - and it just keeps borking, it's kind of disappointing...  I don't really need my commitment to be tested right now, I need to find stability because this is starting to affect my life...  I'm feeling messy/dirty...  : [

Thanks for listening....  : \

... and for helping...  : D

When I have something working, and/or when I've completely given-up, I'll run the build one last time for each, and send you the logs.  Thanks for letting me know about the RUST thing, and I just wanted you guys to know I hadn't forgotten about you, I'm just trying to build various ways, and sometimes I build other things in between since it's a new system, lots of catching-up and configuring to do...  Can't wait to have a working, stable, fully-functional, fully-optimized Firefox binary I can use on this system...  Crazy how much goes on through just the browser, how big a place it has in probably not just my life...  FreeBSD helps with that, I was suffocating in Windows, and had to reset it, which is why I'm back since the KMS video drivers are completed... not unhappy...  Despite this, I'm still happy about FreeBSD, how far it's come, how strong, and oriented it is, how committed and capable the people working on it are, and what kind of individual they are...  I'm rambling, I need sleep, and a hug...  -_-  I'm so tired, but I can't fall asleep..... fml.

Patrick Dorion
📱 +1 438 345-4575

From: Jan Beich [jbeich at]
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2017 19:25
To: Dimitry Andric
Cc: Patrick Dorion; gecko at; freebsd-ports at
Subject: Re: Firefox doesn't build...

Dimitry Andric <dim at> writes:

> On 10 Nov 2017, at 22:43, Patrick Dorion <dorionpatrick at> wrote:
>> ... on amd-64.
>> simd doesn't build: sse2 not found in x86.  i tried a bunch of options, didn't work.
> See  For now, rebuild lang/rust without the LLVM_PORT option.

That's wrong one. is the one about PORT_LLVM regression
which affects www/firefox build (as opposed to runtime).

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