upgrade-ports: alternative to portmaster RFC

Paweł Pękala pawel at FreeBSD.org
Tue May 2 12:44:53 UTC 2017


For some time I was working on portmaster alternative called
upgrade-ports. My main motivation is to write tool that is easy to use
and automates upgrades as much as possible, I would like to get feedback
from community to help me improve it.

How it's different from portmaster:
- Uses portsnap to update port's tree for you (can be disabled)
- Tracks changes in MOVED, UPDATING files, compares it with local
  packages and applies upgrades information with user confirmation
  when needed for sanity checking
- Offers to remove obsoleted packages
- Tries to resolve conflicts that may appear with upgrades
- Before doing upgrades shows summary explaining any changes
  similar to pkg upgrade one
- After upgrading checks package database for errors (pkg check) and
  offers package recompilation/installation if needed (not PORTREVISION
  bumped ports when dependency library changed it's SOVERSION for
- For now it does not support options setting

How to test:
install ports-mgmt/ports-tools version 1.2 committed yesterday  

pozdrawiam / with regards
Paweł Pękala

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