portmaster installation trampling on my binary packages???

Baptiste Daroussin bapt at FreeBSD.org
Sun Mar 19 20:30:39 UTC 2017

On Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 08:26:33PM +0000, RW via freebsd-ports wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Mar 2017 18:35:26 +0000
> Ethan Grammatikidis wrote:
> > Hi. I'm quite new to FreeBSD. I'm getting a system up & running
> > slowly, working around my chronic fatigue. Today I'm updating for the
> > first time. Base system and pkg update appeared to go well. I haven't
> > rebooted, wanting to get everything done before reboot.
> > 
> > https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/ports-using.html
> > This handook page says "ports-mgmt/portmaster is a very small utility
> > for upgrading installed ports. It is designed to use the tools
> > installed with the FreeBSD base system without depending on other
> > ports or databases." That sounds just fine to me, so I did the usual
> > to install portmaster, cd to its directory, and make install clean. 
> > 
> > So far, so good. Then I ran portmaster -a, and it all went
> > pear-shaped. 
> When you do a make install you are installing a package; all
> other things being equal, there's really no difference between that and
> installing a package file created on the FreeBSD build machines.  

There is a big difference, the packages not being built in a clean room, they
migt end up a bit differently (unexpected linking etc). Note that since the
ports tree uses pkg, the make install process is going through the same
mechanism and so doing the same thing as installing the package (pkg register is
called there) while before it was wrong, different post-install scripts.
> When you run portmaster -a you are telling it to upgrade all your
> installed packages that are not up-to-date with your ports tree
> using ports. Since pkg uses a quarterly branch by default, that's likely
> to be very different to the current tree, so it's likely to be a major
> rebuild. 
> If portmaster upgraded anything, you need to either let it complete, or
> put everything back to the previous state.  If no one has a better
> suggestion you could just use pkg to deinstall everything, then
> reinstall what you want.
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