compiler:c++11-lang doesn't ensure c++11?

Michael Gmelin freebsd at
Sat Mar 18 22:40:13 UTC 2017

On Sat, 18 Mar 2017 15:17:27 -0700
Yuri <yuri at> wrote:

> On 03/18/2017 13:59, Michael Gmelin wrote:
> > Afaik this is intentional and the point is to depend on a compiler
> > that can support those features (hence the comments in
> > "The port needs a compiler understanding Cxx..."), but setting
> > CXXFLAGS accordingly is up to the project (through cmake/configure
> > etc.) or the port.  
> compiler:c++11-lang is supposed to add the flag when the compiler 
> doesn't support c++11 by default.

Do you have a reference where this is stated? AFAIK it's only there
to make sure to install a compiler that is capable of supporting that
version of the standard, not to request the compiler to build.Setting the CXXFLAGS is either done by the build system of
the software you're porting or can be requested by setting
USE_CXXSTD=c++xx in the port's Makefile.

> It is also supposed to upgrade the 
> compiler (use the higher version from ports) when the base compiler.
> Am I misunderstanding the purpose of compiler:c++11-lang?

See also


Michael Gmelin

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