Writing a port that simply installs a bunch of files

Michael Gmelin freebsd at grem.de
Mon Mar 6 15:51:08 UTC 2017

On Mon, 6 Mar 2017 16:02:05 +0100
Andrea Venturoli <ml at netfence.it> wrote:

> On 03/06/17 12:50, Michael Gmelin wrote:
> > Yes, that's possible, see sysutils/bhyve-rc[0] for an example how
> > to do it.  
> Thanks for your answer: an example is really welcome.
> However, I might be dumb, but that does not fully cover what I was 
> looking for.
> I see sysutils/bhyve-rc uses USE_RC_SUBR in order to install its only 
> file, but that's specific to rc.d scripts.
> Suppose I want a mean to install generic files, should I use
> The first problem I encounter, then, is with subdirectories.
> Suppose I want to install /usr/local/a/b/c.txt, I would use 
> "SUB_FILES=a/b/c.txt" and provide files/a/b/c.txt.in.
> However, I'll get:
> > cannot create /usr/ports/misc/xxx/work/a/b/c.txt: No such file or
> > directory  
> I've also tried "SUB_FILES=${WRKSRC}/a/b/c.txt", but then make will
> say:
> > **
> > Missing /usr/ports/misc/xxx/files//usr/ports/misc/xxx/work/xxx-y/a/b/c.txt.in
> > for xxx-y.  
> Am I missing something obvious?

What about something like this (your files are in files/input.tgz)?

# $FreeBSD: #

PORTNAME=       testport
CATEGORIES=     sysutils
MASTER_SITES=   # none
DISTFILES=      # none
EXTRACT_ONLY=   # none

MAINTAINER=     you at example.org
COMMENT=        Blablabla

NO_BUILD=       yes
NO_INSTALL=     yes

        @${TAR} -xf ${FILESDIR}/input.tgz -C ${STAGEDIR}
        @${FIND} ${STAGEDIR} -type f | ${SED} "s|${STAGEDIR}||" >>

.include <bsd.port.mk>

Michael Gmelin

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