[RFC] Why FreeBSD ports should have branches by OS version

Kurt Jaeger lists at opsec.eu
Mon Jun 26 07:43:46 UTC 2017


> Thus, in some cases, people demand or insist because they want something 
> they either cannot accomplish themselves, or cannot accomplish in the 
> limited time they have. As far as I have observed, you can't even -pay- 
> the ports experts to do something you might want.

You can discuss the general idea with the foundation. Then give them
the money they estimate for the feature. They'll easily find folks doing it.
It just won't be cheap.

I guesstimate that you need at least 2 person-years to implement a working
scheme that works within the current framework.

pi at opsec.eu            +49 171 3101372                         3 years to go !

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