How to stop ports recompiling gcc, llvm, etc.?

Rastko P lylecorman at
Tue Jun 13 16:19:40 UTC 2017

Nope, none of those, funny as it may sound, I was going by the
"Handbook" and tried to use "portmaster", as it reported some
upgradeable 'ports'.

However, that was the first  time I launched portmaster, and it was
weird, because it kept prompting me to delete newer versions of software
than that which had been built by the portmaster session, to which I
replied 'oh, no [n]o', which was the default. 

But in the end, it seems to have not installed anything (?!). Why did it
pull in all those dependencies? Where are the binaries?

On 13.06.2017 17:54, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
> Rastko P <lylecorman at> writes:
>> I have a fresh 11-RELEASE dist. I am 'bootstrapping' the environment.
>> I am in the process of building mail/thunderbird-52.1.1, because the
>> binary doesn't have support for Lightning calendar extension.
>> Yesterday, a documentation port build pulled in a lot of dependencies,
>> including GCC, LLVM, and a lot of others. 6+ hours of compile-time.
>> After it finished I immediately issued a 'df' cmd, and lo-and-behold,
>> not more than 1GB was taken by the build process. Now that you've
>> mentioned it, pkg says GCC or LLVM are not to be found installed. I am
>> missing something huge here.
> Are you using synth, or poudriere? A normal port build would leave those
> things installed if it needed them at build time.

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