py-enchant and wxPython Dependency

Pete Wright pete at
Sun Jun 4 17:02:33 UTC 2017

On 06/04/2017 09:54, Kubilay Kocak wrote:
> On 6/5/17 2:50 AM, Pete Wright wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I have a webapp that is making use of textproc/py-enchant for
>> spellchecking in some input forms we use.  when i install py-enchant via
>> pip it only requires some libraries that ship with textproc/enchant.
>> yet when i install the py27-enchant pkg it looks like i have to slup in
>> about 1GB of deps - including lots of X libraries (libGL for example).
>> This seems to be related to having "USE_WX" flag set in the
>> textproc/py-enchant Makefile.
>> Since my use-case is for a python webapp I have no need for wxPython and
>> it's dependency tree.  Is there an easy way to re-build this port w/o
>> the wxPython dependency?  I can confirm the py-enchant works fine
>> without wxPython when it is installed via pip inside a python venv.  My
>> understanding is that the USE_* flags are not really meant to be
>> user-settable.
>> Cheers,
>> -pete
> Hi Pete,
> If WX is optional (for enchant) then it should be made an OPTION to at
> least allow ports users to disable the dependency and its consequent
> features, and if you're a package user, the ability to create a custom
> package.
> This should take place as a request in Bugzilla (with rationale, etc)
> with a summary like:
> textproc/py-enchant: Make WX OPTION'al
> CC'ing port maintainer

Sounds great, I'm doing a build and test on our end now.  Once I verify 
things work when the package is build w/o the wxPython dependency I'll 
file a PR as you suggest.


Pete Wright
pete at

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