FreeBSD Port: bitcoin-daemon-0.12.1_11

Peter D. Gray peter at
Mon Jul 31 19:42:40 UTC 2017

Hi Bartek.

The Bitcoin-related ports are getting old. The upstream current
released version is [0.14.2](
and the FreeBSD ports collection has 0.12.1 from November 2016.

I don't know of any security issues, but a number of important new
features which are dependant on changes in the P2P protocol have
occured in intermediate versions.

Version 0.14 is a major stable release, and has had some shake-down
time already (April 2017).


Peter D. Gray  ||  Founder, Coinkite  ||  Twitter: @dochex  ||  GPG: A3A31BAD 5A2A5B10

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