Configuring options/knobs without `make config`

Dewayne Geraghty dewayne.geraghty at
Fri Jul 28 00:20:15 UTC 2017

I'm unsure of how you're planning on using the information, perhaps
these suggestions may help:

To examine what options are available, chosen or rejected (note: the
value of CATEGORY and PORT must be in lowercase):

If you're after consistency, then I would suggest that you use
/etc/make.conf to ascribe the options that you want for each of the ports.

For example, using mail/dovecot2:
mail_dovecot2_SET=LZ4 KQUEUE SSL
mail_dovecot2_UNSET=BDB PGSQL

I'll reiterate that I don't interactively set port options on anything,
so no "make config".  I use a tool called ports-mgmt/portconf to manage
my ports. I can't recommend the tool as I do some preprocessing to align
with port devs requirements, currently
if in /etc/make.conf or on the command line by


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