Wine & PlayOnBSD

abi abi at
Tue Jan 10 11:53:00 UTC 2017

10.01.2017 12:41, Stefan Esser пишет:
> Am 09.01.2017 um 21:20 schrieb Grzegorz Junka:
>> Thank you for the additional information. The PlayOnLinux documentation
>> mentions some dedicated application to actually install or run the
>> Windows apps from some UI. Is this supported in PlayOnBSD?
> Yes, there is an UI that allows to modify settings (e.g. whether to use
> some native DLL) for supported Windows applications.
> You can also create Desktop Icons that let you directly start Wine with
> the covered Windows applications.
> Somebody reported, that these icons were not correctly created. I have
> tried to implement a fix, but I'm not sure that it works (do not use KDE
> or any other XDG compatible WM). If you give PlayOnBSD a try and find,
> that these icons do not work, than I'll take another look at the script
> that creates these icons and puts the required path and options into
> the parameters for that icon.
>> Also, is there any reason why PlayOnBSD depends on a 64-bit version of
>> wine? I would have thought that 32-bit version could give a better
>> compatibility?
> See this comment for "${ARCH} == amd64" in emulators/wine/Makefile:
> % # Wine is composed of three parts:
> % #  - wine (aka this port) is the 32-bit component and runs 32-bit
> programs (on FreeBSD/i386)
> % #  - wine64 (aka this part of this port) is the 64-bit component and
> runs 64-bit programs
> % #    (on FreeBSD/amd64)
> % #  - wow64 (a subset of emulators/i386-wine-devel) is a part of the
> 64-bit component that runs
> % #    32-bit programs (on FreeBSD/amd64)
> % # We also currently have:
> % #  - "wine32" (aka emulators/i386-wine-devel) is the 32-bit component
> and runs 32-bit programs
> % #    (on FreeBSD/amd64).  This will be superseded by wow64.
> I do not have any i386 systems (except for poudriere jails used to build
> and test new/modified ports), but IMHO i386-wine is compiled for a real
> i386 as "host" and runs 32 bit Windows programs only (for lack of 64
> bit support in the host processor).
> I have tested a number of 32 bit Windows applications with the 64 bit
> version of Wine (i.e. built for amd64), and they worked as expected.
i386-wine is created for amd64 systems. wine on amd64 can't execute 
32-bit programs.
See emulators/wine/Makefile
# Wine assumes a WoW64 package is available however WoW64 is not yet 
available on FreeBSD.

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