Pan core dumps on start

Dave freebsd01 at
Sun Jan 8 22:20:43 UTC 2017

Recently upgraded my system from 9.3 to 10.3 via freebsd-update.
Upgraded packages with pkg upgrade -f

Now Pan core dumps on startup.

Googling around lead me to this bug/commit

However, that commit implied the bug is fixed but using the suggested workaround of...

cd /usr/ports/news/pan
make LDFLAGS="-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++"

...solves the problem.

Has this patch been reverted? Or is there maybe something I've not done which I need to do?

I don't understand "Staticly link to libgcc and libstdc++. This fixes a segmentation fault
  when trying to run pan on a libc++ based system."

Does this mean 10.3 is a libc++ system and 9.3 isn't?  Or does it mean I have stuff left over from the 9.3 system that should now be removed?

Likewise "The fix is to force libs from gcc".  Does this mean I should no longer have gcc and just have clang now?  Or is gcc still required by other stuff?

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