radeon GL woes

Russell L. Carter rcarter at pinyon.org
Sat Feb 18 19:15:55 UTC 2017

So I've run into the radeon problem on xorg upgrade, running
mpv gives the

libGL error: Version 7 or imageFromFds image extension not found
libGL error: failed to load driver: r600


Adding /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/dri.conf:

Section "Device"
         Identifier "Radeon"
         Driver "radeon"
         Option "DRI" "2"

has no effect.  Nor does setting Option "DRI" "3"

I am running without an xorg file, it has up till now
run great.

I've reinstalled everything that I can think of, I build
via poudriere, and I got rid of the llvm37 and llvm38 that
were lurking on this system.

Any ideas?


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