Expulsion of John Marino - reasons and impact?

Chris H bsd-lists at bsdforge.com
Tue Feb 14 22:51:06 UTC 2017

On Wed, 15 Feb 2017 07:50:46 +1100 Dewayne Geraghty <dewaynegeraghty at gmail.com>

> Occasionally we’re called to account for our decisions, reflect upon their
> correctness and at times reverse the decision.
> John Marino (John) has conducted himself with a passion for making
> decisions in the interests of ports' users over many years with great
> professionalism and enthusiasm.

I'm usually very much disinclined to get even remotely involved
in what may appear to be political / internal drama. But in this
instance, I feel strongly compelled to respond.

I met John through my initial interest in getting involved in
the ports system -- maintaining ports.
I immediately recognized that John was a man of strong convictions.
He was always outspoken -- he spoke "straight", and I greatly
appreciated it! We had many disagreements. I'm strong minded, and
as a result, resistant to change. But I must humbly admit that I
ultimately had to agree with John nearly every time.
As a result I have a tremendous amount of respect for John -- he
earned it! Some may find outspoken people abrasive, or undesirable,
and reject them. If that's the case here; I can easily say they're
missing the forest, for the trees. Sound reasonable advice, and
knowledge is good; no matter *what* tone it's spoken.
I can tell you this; John gave me a leg up, into becoming a ports
maintainer. He must have done a fair job, in my opinion. As I
currently maintain over 100 (one hundred) ports. I have but one
outstanding pr(1). Which I was working on, when I read this message.
I can also tell you; because of my strong mindedness, I was *not*
an ideal candidate for a mentor. I can assure you, I challenged
John's patience a number of times. But out of his guidance, and
insistence TDTRT. I've managed to maintain the number of ports I
do today.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is this;
John demands the best. Which produces high quality output from
those whom work with him. If John Marino has been excommunicated
from FreeBSD. The only looser will be FreeBSD itself.

My writeup on this is due to the OP alluding to the reason for
John's expulsion somehow being related to his "outspokenness".
Something *I* found to be a *great* *attribute*.

Thanks for all your time, and consideration.


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