
Kirill Ponomarev kp at
Mon Feb 6 17:40:53 UTC 2017

On 02/06, Rainer Hurling wrote:
> >     Perhaps, this is something for UPDATING?
> > 
> > No, UPDATING is for things humans need to do. portmaster should be able
> > to figure this out from MOVED (which is mostly meant for machines).
> Of course, I know this about UPDATING.
> In this case with devel/check, the automatism with portmaster does not
> work as expected, at least for Don and me.
> Shouldn't portmaster, after a successful build of devel/check, first
> deinstall libcheck and than install check?
> For some reason, this seems not to work as expected. When portmaster
> tries to install devel/check, it conflicts with a present
> /usr/local/bin/checkmk, because libcheck was not uninstalled before.
> I have no clue about the underlying reasons.

It should definitely be in UPDATING, with portmaster example if
portmaster can't handle it by its update (and it seems it can't handle
it with 'portmaster -a')

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