Procmail Vulnerabilities check

Warren Block wblock at
Fri Dec 8 22:13:14 UTC 2017

On Fri, 8 Dec 2017, Matthias Apitz wrote:

> El día viernes, diciembre 08, 2017 a las 11:19:03a. m. -0700, Warren Block escribió:
>>> I do, and invoke procmail from a .forward file.
>>> %  cat ~/.forward
>>> "|exec /usr/local/bin/procmail -f-"
>>> Do you know if maildrop can be used in a similar way?  I
>>> suppose I have some reading to do.
>> I have not used a .forward file in a long time, but certainly it can be
>> done... found this in
> I do use ~/.forward and ~/.procmailrc for many years and they do just
> fine (I filter some mail local to special folders and all the rest goes
> to spamc of SpanAssassin, and as result if the decision of the latter
> to my mbox or to dustbin); as I read the PR, this chain is not affected
> by the bug, and I will just continue doing so;
>> /home/you/.forward:
>>      "|/path/to/maildrop -d ${USER}"
> Hmm, why -d ${USER} if this is already known who I am from the
> ~/.forward file location?

Because as a sysadmin, then you can copy it to another user without 
having to edit it each time.

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