OSS Audio

Jan Beich jbeich at FreeBSD.org
Mon Dec 4 12:08:21 UTC 2017

blubee blubeeme <gurenchan at gmail.com> writes:

> I'm looking at the information for audio/oss and it seems that the source
> used is different than the 4frontversion.
> -----
> This port uses installation procedure that is very different from
> the one used by 4Front and is not supported by them.
> -----
> The port also seems to lack a maintainer but a lot of work is being
> committed by  jbeich at FreeBSD.org, mat at FreeBSD.org and a few others.

Well, you've answered your own question. There's no maintainer to check
which downstream differences still make sense.

What is better maintained[1] and supported is FreeBSD fork of OSS - sound(4).
See OSSv4 compatibility in https://people.freebsd.org/~ariff/SOUND_4.TXT.html
Not sure why those bits haven't migrated into the manpage.

[1] 4Front vs. FreeBSD commit activity:

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