Synth and circular dependencies

Thomas Mueller mueller6722 at
Tue Aug 22 22:39:34 UTC 2017

from RW via freebsd-ports:

> Thomas Mueller wrote:

> > It was very disconcerting when I would do a massive portupgrade
> > before going to bed and subsequently find portupgrade stopped for an
> > options dialog.
> FWIW portupgrade has a -c option to avoid that.

I remember that back from the days when I used portupgrade, and ports system used the old dialog.

I wish NetBSD and pkgsrc would port portmaster and/or portupgrade.

Synth and pkgng seem to have fallen into desuetude in pkgsrc. 

Synth won't build on NetBSD because gcc6-aux is broken (Makefile says so), and I failed in an attempt to build pkg on NetBSD, but good on FreeBSD ports.

from Don Lewis and my previous post:

> > What is the priority when /var/db/ports is present, which takes
> > precedence?  Should I delete /var/db/ports or /var/db/ports/* ?

> I suspect that /var/db/ports takes priority of options are set in both
> places.  I'd delete it if you move your option settings to make.conf.

> > The ports dialog prior to dialog4ports would always mess the screen
> > whenever I made a log file with tee (just as bad with script).
> > Dialog4ports avoided messing the screen.
> > It was very disconcerting when I would do a massive portupgrade before
> > going to bed and subsequently find portupgrade stopped for an options
> > dialog.
> I always ran "portupgrade -aFc" beforehand to set the options and also
> fetch all the distfiles.  Some of the ports that I built had distfiles
> that needed to be manually fetched and a fetch failure during the night
> could also be devastating.  Even then there was one port that had its
> own dialog (procmail?) that would sometimes wedge an overnight
> portupgrade run.
> > I believe Synth and poudriere have no means for setting options.  That
> > should be enough impetus to make it easier to bypass the dialog4ports
> > entirely.

> The poudriere testport -c option runs make config to pop up the options
> dialog.  It's handy for testing the port's options when doing
> development.  The options settings aren't sticky, though.

> > (NetBSD) pkgsrc has a file in each package entry where
> > there are options.  One can run "make show-options" and "make
> > show-depends-options" to see options for main package and
> > dependencies.  I like it better than "make showconfig-recursive".
> > Now for FreeBSD 11.1-STABLE installation, I will have to redo the
> > options into OPTIONS_SET, etc, and either delete /var/db/ports (a
> > horrible mess now, so nothing to lose) or move it out of the way.
> > Another advantage of putting options in make.conf or mk.conf is that
> > the file can be copied or edited from another FreeBSD or NetBSD
> > installation.

> Well, you could copy /var/db/ports over, but ...

If I want to partially convert options from /var/db/ports but keep out of harm's way, I could move it to /var/db/ports2 for reference.

Then I could 
make PORT_DBDIR=/var/db/ports2 showconfig-recursive
or from another installation, mounting on /media/zip0,
make PORT_DBDIR=/media/zip0/var/db/ports2 showconfig-recursive

Or I could look directly in /var/db/ports2 files (cumbersome), that would even work from NetBSD.

I no longer use traditional BSD disklabels, so, with GPT, FreeBSD and NetBSD can read and write each other's ffs/UFS partitions.


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