Samba4 needs switch to turn off messages

Julian Elischer julian at
Mon Aug 21 02:18:21 UTC 2017

On 21/8/17 4:13 am, scratch65535 at wrote:
> Whenever there is more than 1 Samba server running in the same
> netbios space, they INCESSANTLY put out the same worthless
> message every 5 minutes exactly, filling up disc space or
> disrupting whatever's happening on the console.
> The message always has the same form:
> "query name response:  Multiple [n] reponses received on subnet
> [this ip address] for name [netbios group name].  This response
> was from [other ip address]."
> This has been a problem for years, but  so far nobody seems to
> know how to stop the damned things.  Log levels appear to have no
> effect on them.
> The server needs to have a switch to turn off such messages!
> Preferably as a patch, distributed  s o o n.
> I'm just before lodging a bug report, because anyone trying to
> construe that message as a feature would be likely to spend time
> in hospital by reason of having herniated their imagination.

I don't know the answer, but I suspect that the Samba forums would be 
the place to ask rather than the FreeBSD forums.

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