Downloading with lynx or w3m, how to download as is, without gratuitous gzip

Thomas Mueller mueller6722 at
Thu Apr 27 07:38:42 UTC 2017

> I have never seen lynx compress an uncompressed file.  However, if lynx sends a header that it can _accept_ gzip encoding, which I believe it might, the webserver can easily gzip the contents to save bandwidth.  lynx could
possibly be saving that compressed content to disk, with a .gz extension...
> Personally, I use elinks (and used to be its FreeBSD maintainer) way more often than lynx.
> Can you send an URL to recreate the problem?

URL where I was stung was
with two patch files in that directory.

I was thinking about using links or elinks instead of lynx, but textproc/docbook-tools uses www/lynx as a dependency.

If I don't want links' crude graphics implementation, elinks might be smaller and good enough.

Building links with directfb option can take a long time; one is better off with Firefox or Seamonkey.

I also emailed the upstream maintainer, Thomas Dickey (dickey at


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