Licence practice for dependencies - making use of more restrictive licences optional

Dewayne Geraghty dewaynegeraghty at
Wed Apr 26 04:08:21 UTC 2017

The recent change to
Makefile?view=markup&pathrev=439426 which uses BSD3Clause, while gnugrep
uses GPLv3+; reminded me of a customer's requirement to remove GPLv3 code
from a device they needed.

While attempting to satisfy a particular customer's requirement, it became
apparent that I was also seeking compliance with the author's intent of
using a less restrictive licence; yet it seems that some port
maintainers/committers are unintentionally restricting the software by
adding dependencies that add these restrictive licences/practises.  It
would be better if such restrictions were optional, rather than mandatory
as this opendnssec example, perhaps something similar to what is done in
security/krb5-115 could be adopted as part of Standard Operating Practices
(port maintainers guide?)

For my client? A few scripts and a quick (recursive) search for GPL against
their requirements list revealed the easy low-hanging fruit of replacing
readline by libedit (in some cases removing both); and moving what used GPL
source into a separate jail sufficed.

Regards, Dewayne

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