Need for commit (new port)

Kurt Jaeger lists at
Mon Apr 17 19:21:19 UTC 2017


> >> It is a port for the Payara Application Service (
> >> which is derived from the Glassfish (

> >[...] May I ask about the difference between glassfish (now at 4.1.2
> >upstream, 4.1 in the ports), wildfly, jboss and all the other EEs out
> >there ?

> Each Java EE application server is implementation of standards.
> So, theoretically, they should be more or less equal. But, always
> there are some aspects/features not covered by standards
> (like clustering, configuration, deployment procedure, etc).

> And these features are implemented in different ways by each
> application server.
> Also, licensing is different (LGPL/GPL/CDDL...).

Thanks for explaining the situation. I found this link:

which is even more shocking, as it shows so many different
Java EE AppServers.

pi at            +49 171 3101372                         3 years to go !

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