About opencv2

Nilton José Rizzo rizzo at i805.com.br
Fri Apr 14 02:47:23 UTC 2017

Em 2017-04-13 21:48, Otacílio escreveu:
> Dear
> I saw that the OpenCV port does not have a maintainer. However, until
> recently there was an effort to port OpenCV3 to FreeBSD. Has Opencv 2
> been abandoned because of OpenCV3 or does it have no correlation?
> []'s
> -Otacilio

    Hi Otacilio,

     I'm think the mantainer give up.

     I'm using a openCV 3.2 in my box, but I don't have time to
lean to create a new port.  I need finish my qualify exam to Phd

     If yopu need some help I can help you.

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* Nilton José Rizzo     Sistema de Informação    UFRRJ *
* http://cursos.ufrrj.br/grad/sistemas/                *
* lattes:http://lattes.cnpq.br/0079460703536198        *

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